All countries data:

  • blue: current positive (infected)
  • green: total recovered
  • red: total deaths
LAST UPDATE: 2020-09-01
DAYS: 224 (from 2020-01-22)
TOTAL positive recovered deaths
Afghanistan 38196 7559 29231 1406
Albania 9606 3875 5441 290
Algeria 44833 11822 31493 1518
Andorra 1184 223 908 53
Angola 2729 1536 1084 109
Antigua and Barbuda 94 0 91 3
Argentina 428239 110944 308376 8919
Armenia 43878 4641 38356 881
Australia 25923 3573 21687 663
Austria 27642 3343 23565 734
Azerbaijan 36578 2065 33977 536
Bahamas 2276 1425 801 50
Bahrain 52440 2855 49395 190
Bangladesh 314946 102453 208177 4316
Barbados 176 23 146 7
Belarus 71962 670 70606 686
Belgium 85487 57133 18457 9897
Belize 1050 824 213 13
Benin 2145 367 1738 40
Bhutan 227 85 142 0
Bolivia 117267 50042 62124 5101
Bosnia and Herzegovina 20234 6179 13435 620
Botswana 1724 1225 493 6
Brazil 3950931 483095 3345240 122596
Brunei 144 2 139 3
Bulgaria 16454 4197 11615 642
Burkina Faso 1370 240 1075 55
Burma 919 556 357 6
Burundi 445 87 357 1
Cabo Verde 3970 507 3423 40
Cambodia 274 8 266 0
Cameroon 19409 1344 17651 414
Canada 131422 5811 116432 9179
Central African Republic 4711 2859 1790 62
Chad 1017 56 884 77
Chile 413145 16034 385790 11321
China 89933 557 84652 4724
Colombia 624026 134424 469552 20050
Comoros 427 10 410 7
Congo (Brazzaville) 3979 2159 1742 78
Congo (Kinshasa) 10104 523 9322 259
Costa Rica 42184 25471 16270 443
Cote d'Ivoire 18103 1172 16814 117
Croatia 10414 2492 7735 187
Cuba 4065 575 3395 95
Cyprus 1490 330 1139 21
Czechia 25117 6576 18116 425
Denmark 17509 1196 15688 625
Diamond Princess 712 48 651 13
Djibouti 5387 0 5327 60
Dominica 20 2 18 0
Dominican Republic 94979 24505 68736 1738
Ecuador 114309 6015 101723 6571
Egypt 99115 19847 73828 5440
El Salvador 25820 10526 14570 724
Equatorial Guinea 4965 998 3884 83
Eritrea 319 35 284 0
Estonia 2395 219 2112 64
Eswatini 4618 962 3562 94
Ethiopia 53304 32989 19487 828
Fiji 29 4 23 2
Finland 8142 606 7200 336
France 323968 206266 87036 30666
Gabon 8533 1216 7264 53
Gambia 3029 1901 1032 96
Georgia 1510 238 1253 19
Germany 246015 18305 218403 9307
Ghana 44460 1063 43121 276
Greece 10524 8906 1347 271
Grenada 24 0 24 0
Guatemala 74893 9180 62935 2778
Guinea 9479 893 8527 59
Guinea-Bissau 2205 1044 1127 34
Guyana 1373 590 742 41
Haiti 8230 2199 5828 203
Holy See 12 0 12 0
Honduras 61769 49451 10430 1888
Hungary 6257 1820 3821 616
Iceland 2116 99 2007 10
India 3769523 801282 2901908 66333
Indonesia 177571 42009 128057 7505
Iran 376894 30098 325124 21672
Iraq 238338 50742 180473 7123
Ireland 29025 3884 23364 1777
Israel 118538 21367 96214 957
Italy 270189 26754 207944 35491
Jamaica 2459 1548 890 21
Japan 69023 10207 57503 1313
Jordan 2097 518 1564 15
Kazakhstan 105944 6985 97371 1588
Kenya 34315 13527 20211 577
Korea, South 20449 4767 15356 326
Kosovo 12683 3407 8788 488
Kuwait 85811 7620 77657 534
Kyrgyzstan 43958 4250 38649 1059
Laos 22 1 21 0
Latvia 1404 197 1173 34
Lebanon 17777 12618 4988 171
Lesotho 1085 526 528 31
Liberia 1305 65 1158 82
Libya 14624 12706 1676 242
Liechtenstein 107 9 97 1
Lithuania 2929 986 1857 86
Luxembourg 6625 -639 7140 124
MS Zaandam 9 7 0 2
Madagascar 14957 847 13915 195
Malawi 5576 1981 3420 175
Malaysia 9354 151 9075 128
Maldives 8003 2709 5265 29
Mali 2777 473 2178 126
Malta 1909 444 1453 12
Mauritania 7075 452 6464 159
Mauritius 356 11 335 10
Mexico 606036 39073 501722 65241
Moldova 37208 10328 25872 1008
Monaco 154 34 116 4
Mongolia 306 10 296 0
Montenegro 4917 757 4058 102
Morocco 63781 13675 48922 1184
Mozambique 4039 1846 2170 23
Namibia 7692 4232 3379 81
Nepal 40529 18112 22178 239
Netherlands 73802 66402 1140 6260
New Zealand 1757 129 1606 22
Nicaragua 4668 1614 2913 141
Niger 1176 19 1088 69
Nigeria 54247 11214 42010 1023
North Macedonia 14455 2326 11525 604
Norway 10871 1259 9348 264
Oman 85928 4215 81024 689
Pakistan 296149 8881 280970 6298
Panama 93552 24560 66974 2018
Papua New Guinea 460 223 232 5
Paraguay 18338 8269 9721 348
Peru 652037 151494 471599 28944
Philippines 224264 62655 158012 3597
Poland 67922 18834 47030 2058
Portugal 58243 14315 42104 1824
Qatar 118994 2901 115895 198
Romania 88593 46458 38454 3681
Russia 997072 166219 813603 17250
Rwanda 4142 2082 2044 16
Saint Kitts and Nevis 17 0 17 0
Saint Lucia 26 0 26 0
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 61 4 57 0
San Marino 715 13 660 42
Sao Tome and Principe 896 28 853 15
Saudi Arabia 316670 21227 291514 3929
Senegal 13655 3887 9484 284
Serbia 31482 30767 0 715
Seychelles 136 9 127 0
Sierra Leone 2028 363 1594 71
Singapore 56852 1076 55749 27
Slovakia 3989 1478 2478 33
Slovenia 2924 468 2323 133
Somalia 3310 731 2481 98
South Africa 628259 64003 549993 14263
South Sudan 2527 1190 1290 47
Spain 470973 291445 150376 29152
Sri Lanka 3092 201 2879 12
Sudan 13189 5754 6612 823
Suriname 4089 846 3171 72
Sweden 84521 78708 0 5813
Switzerland 42393 4082 36300 2011
Syria 2830 2068 646 116
Taiwan* 488 19 462 7
Tajikistan 8619 1138 7413 68
Tanzania 509 305 183 21
Thailand 3425 93 3274 58
Timor-Leste 27 2 25 0
Togo 1416 353 1035 28
Trinidad and Tobago 1797 1085 685 27
Tunisia 3963 2259 1624 80
Turkey 271705 19359 245929 6417
US 6073840 3686513 2202663 184664
Uganda 3037 1516 1489 32
Ukraine 126279 63721 59904 2654
United Arab Emirates 70805 8930 61491 384
United Kingdom 339415 296114 1709 41592
Uruguay 1611 148 1419 44
Uzbekistan 42127 2266 39538 323
Venezuela 47756 8338 39027 391
Vietnam 1044 275 735 34
West Bank and Gaza 23281 7784 15338 159
Western Sahara 10 1 8 1
Yemen 1962 232 1160 570
Zambia 12381 612 11479 290
Zimbabwe 6559 1115 5241 203